Released: August 2019
To run Trimble Quadri 3 you need Novapoint version 21 or newer.
NP20 users that use Quadri 2 models must have installed NP20.xx.FP6c or a more recent client version to use with Quadri 2 models when the server is upgrading to Quadri 3
This version is an upgrade of Trimble Quadri 3. If you have both Quadri 2 and Quadri 3 installed in parallel on your server, installing this version will not alter your version 2 installation.
Novapoint Quadri Client
Join a Project
With this version, you can now quickly take part in a project by specifying a URL to the desired project rather than scrolling through the hierarchy of servers, models and projects. If you do not know the URL of the project, you can use the Trimble Quadri Project explorer as in previous versions and browse the project hierarchy.
Changes of strategy for creating and opening a Binder in the context of Join a Project. If the client application does not have a Binder open when Join a Project is started, you must create or open a binder before proceeding. In previous versions, a Binder was created or opened as an integrated part of Join a Project. With this change, it is both easier to understand and handle error situations. The latter also applies to the application code, which in turn will result in a more robust application and improved user experience.
Open workset
Changes of strategy for creating and opening a Binder in the context of Open Workset. Similar to Join a Project, if the client application does not have a Binder open when Open Workset is started, one must be created or opened before proceeding. In previous versions, a Binder was created or opened as an integrated part of Open Workset. With this change, it is both easier to understand and handle error situations. The latter also applies to the application code, which in turn will result in a more robust application and improved user experience.
Quadri Server-side
This version contains some under the hood improvements in the form of reorganised table structures in the database that facilitate upcoming stability and performance improvements.
Subsequent Share will store data using the new table structure and will not be negatively affected.
The time-scheduled daily data backup is changed so that models in Parking lot are excluded from the daily backup.
From now on backing up models in Parking lot is handled by a separate backing up schedule.
Quadri Model Manager
The necessary steps to create a project are now included in the wizard to create a model. UI for adding new projects is still available in the Novapoint client, but that UI will discontinue in the next coming main version.
Projects and Model information is now showing on one Tab for Projects and one for Model.
Project Where
When using multiple projects to create and maintain a feature and network model, the extent of coordinating projects are presenting in light grey.
Project Users
The UI is now focusing on Adding and Removing Users from a project without mentioning the concept model user. The system handles that part behind the scene. This means that the page to add/remove users to/from models has been removed from the UI, and users are automatically added to the model when you add them to the project in QMM Modify + Projects. The sorting is now alphabetically by default and can be changed by clicking the headers.
Remove and Purge
This version is discontinuing the button Purge. From now on all Projects that have no timeline activity (never been used by any users) are deleted permanently from the database. Just as before the system will be marking projects with timeline activity as removed and never permanently delete them from the database.
This URL can be distributed to new members of the project team so that they can quickly join the project from Trimble Quadri client Novapoint.
The URL is a concatenated string based on the following parts [Hostname or IP address] + [model name] + [project name]. By giving projects short, concise names, URL will be easier to use. Use the description field instead of creating long project names that attempt to describe the project fully.
QMM → Server → Models
Model parameters
This page is now moving from Models → Modify→ Model parameters and only a system administrator will be able to access this page.
This page replaces the button Delete on the page Models → Modify → Model information. This new page also allows deleting multiple models.
QMM → Server → Settings
Host Name / IP Address
This new field is used to specify the address to which this server expose as externally. The URL presented in the Model and Project page uses this value as the [Hostname or IP address] part of the URL.